The Awesome 552 Class

A virtual learning space for practicing English and interacting with everyone in the class.

Friday, September 09, 2005

SEPT 8 - A new Stage Begins

Dear students,

We checked the test. Some were happy with the result, some not so enthusiastic, but you all did a good job. The test is just a hint of areas that you still need to work on. Now, the second part begins and I'm sure we will still have much fun together.

I assigned the next composition. The guidelines are all on page 50, Workbook.

Remember to organize your ideas.

Paragraph 1 - introduction about crimes and repeat offenders in general
Paragraph 2 - statistics about crimes
Paragrapha 3 - causes of crimes (you have to extend the analysis of the data provided in the workbook)
Paragraph 4 - conclusion - suggestions on how the government could work this out

Use the connectors suggested in the workbook.

For next class, bring quotation and sayings related to the word FIRST

In class, we read the second part of "The Body Snatcher". For the ones who were not in class read the second part of our suspense...I'll send an email with the attachment.

See you on Tuesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

CARLA: I don't think it's fair I have to wait so much time to read the next part of the story we are reading in class. The suspense is not a suspense if I can't read right away. And plus: I have somebody here, at my side, that was "hired" to not allow me to look at the Internet the whole story. Oh, poor thing of me!!!!!!!!!!I am so sad......

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Carla
Where have you been? I'm missing the updates. Hope you come back soon.
See ya

8:45 PM  

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